Introducing the organizational approach to integration of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Model in working with young people
The project
The main objective of the project EDI Go is to support youth organizations working with young people through the strengthening and improvement of internal good practices promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI practices).

In order to achieve the project objetives, activities and resources are planned:
Focus groups and interviews
with young people and youth workers for the report “Key issues in applying EDI practices in youth organizations – experience from 5 EU countries”, a comparative research report in the form of publication that will present perspectives of young people and youth workers on what their equality, diversity and inclusion experiences are and on what are the main obstacles to their correct implementation.
Tool Box
Resources for improvement of EDI practices using the whole-organizational approach” that will include Self-evaluation tool, EDI Charter Mark with recommendations, Good practice examples and Inclusive Language Guidelines.
Training curriculum
Training curriculum on improving the EDI practices using the whole-organizational approach.
Training for trainers
package for improving EDI practices using the whole-organizational approach.
Training for youth workers and young people
on improving the EDI practices in 5 countries
International conference
and national promotion events
EDI online platform
with all the resources produced.
Online publication
“GOOD PRACTICES OF EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN ORGANIZATIONS” that will be a collection of 10 good practices examples on improving EDI in 5 countries.

What are they?



In this platform all the resources of the project are present, in six languages, and fully available for their download:

Research comparative report
Key issues in applying EDI in youth organizations – experience of five EU countries
a comparative research report in the form of publication that will explore perspectives of young people and youth workers on what their equality, diversity and inclusion experiences are and on what are the main obstacles to their correct implementation.

Tool Box
“Resources for improvement of EDI practices using the whole-organizational approach”
that will contains Self-evaluation tool, EDI Charter Mark with recommendations (5 dimensions), Good practice examples and Inclusive Language Guidelines.

This publication is structured as a series of recommendations on how to improve EDI policies and practices within organizations that work with young people, in five dimensions: Governance / Leadership, Physical environment, Attitudes and Relationships, Community and Partnerships, Direct Work with Young People. It also contains examples of good practice and additional inspirational sources for further reading.

This document is designed as a questionnaire that can help organizations evaluate their EDI policies and practices in each of the 5 dimensions, in order to recognize where there is a possibility for improvement.

These Guidelines were developed in response to frequent situations when we wonder if a word or phrase is (enough) inclusive and how not to exclude or “silence” someone with certain language choices. The document consists of a glossary, general guidelines for a more inclusive language, and recommendations on which expressions should be avoided/used in various language contexts.

The training for trainers package
with training materials and resources developed
Will serve further the partner organizations to support the schools, youth centers, profit organizations, youth sport organizations, in using the whole-organizational approach to improve their EDI practices.
EDI-Go in numbers
Organizations working with young people selected for participation in 5 countries.
Trainers from 5 partner countries participating to the training.
Youth workers and young people trained within 25-hour long training on EDI practices.
Find here presentations and worksheets with instructions for implementing the EDI GO 25-hour training for youth workers, as well as examples of Action Plans for initiating EDI positive change in organizations. The materials are divided into 5 parts – according to 5 dimensions, and were used during national EDI GO trainings. Before using these materials, be sure to look at the materials in the Toolbox: EDI GO Charter Mark and Inclusive Language Guidelines.
Ovdje potražite prezentacije i radne listove s uputama za provedbu EDI GO 25-satnog treninga za stručnjake:inje u radu s mladima, te primjere Akcijskih planova za pokretanje EDI pozitivnih promjena u organizacijama. Ovdje prisutni materijali podijeljeni su 5 dijelova – prema 5 dimenzija, a korišteni su tijekom nacionalnih EDI GO treninga. Prije korištenja ovih materijala, svakako pogledajte materijale koji se nalaze u Toolboxu: EDI GO Smjernice s preporukama i Smjernice za inkluzivni(ji) jezik.
Voici des présentations et fiches techinques pour la mise en œuvre de la formation EDI GO d’une durée de 25 heures destinée aux professionnels de la jeunesse. Vous trouverez, en outre, des exemples de plans d’action pour initier des changements positifs en matière d’EDI dans les organisations. Le matériel est divisé en 5 parties, correspondant aux 5 dimensions, et a été utilisé lors des formations nationales EDI GO. Avant d’utiliser ce matériel, assurez-vous de consulter les documents de la Boîte à outils : EDI GO Charter Mark et les Directives sur le langage inclusif.
Aquí puedes encontrar las presentaciones y ‘worksheets‘ con instrucciones para implementar la formación EDI GO de 25 horas para trabajadores en el ámbito de la juventud, así como ejemplos de Planes de Acción para empezar el cambio positivo EDI en organizaciones. Los materiales se dividen en 5 partes – haciendo referencia a las 5 dimensiones, y han sido usados durante las formaciones nacionales EDI GO. Antes de usar estos materiales, asegúrese de echar un vistazo a los materiales en la caja de herramientas: Marco de Referencia ¡EDI GO! y la Guía de Lenguaje Inclusivo
Qui troverete presentazioni e fogli di lavoro con istruzioni per l’implementazione della formazione EDI GO di 25 ore per gli operatori giovanili, nonché esempi di Piani d’Azione per avviare un cambiamento positivo EDI nelle organizzazioni. I materiali sono divisi in 5 parti, secondo le 5 dimensioni, e sono stati utilizzati durante i corsi di formazione nazionali EDI GO. Prima di utilizzare questi materiali, assicuratevi di consultare i materiali presenti nel Toolbox: EDI GO Charter Mark e Linee guida per il linguaggio inclusivo.
Θα βρείτε εδώ παρουσιάσεις και φύλλα εργασίας με οδηγίες για την υλοποίηση της 25ωρης κατάρτισης “EDI GO” για τα άτομα που εργάζονται σε επαφή με τη νεολαία, καθώς και παραδείγματα σχεδίων δράσης για την έναρξη θετικών αλλαγών EDI σε οργανισμούς. Το υλικό χωρίζεται σε 5 μέρη – σύμφωνα με 5 πτυχές, και χρησιμοποιήθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια των εθνικών εκπαιδεύσεων “EDI GO”. Πριν χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτά τα υλικά, φροντίστε να δείτε τα υλικά στην Εργαλειοθήκη: “EDI GO Charter Mark” και Οδηγίες για τη συμπεριληπτική γλώσσα.